All Utility Certificate (UC) Format for School Education in Rajasthan

All Utility Certificate (UC) Format for School Education in Rajasthan : Friends, Here provided all types of UC. For example Sports utility certificate, CSG UC (Composite School Grant), TLM (Teaching Learning Material) utility certificate, transport voucher scheme UC, Youth and eco club utility certificate etc. Here Mostly all Utility Certificate are vigilant two format.

  1. Word or Excel Format
  2. Pdf Format.

If any required Utility format are not provide in this portal. Please comment in comment section. Format are quickly provided in portal.

Utility Certificate Description
1.Transport Utility Certificate (Excel & Pdf)
2.CSG Utility Certificate (Pdf)
3.CSG Utility Certificate (Excel)
4.Youth and Eco Club Utility Certificate (Excel & Pdf)
5.Sports Grant Utility Certificate
6.TLM Utility Certificate (Pdf)
7.SFG Utility Certificate (Pdf)
8.CWSN Utility Certificate (Pdf)
9.School Library Grant Utility Certificate
10.School Repair Grant Utility Certificate
Utility Certificate Description
11Happy saturday (आनंददायी शनिवार) Utility Certificate (Excel)
12Happy saturday (आनंददायी शनिवार) Utility Certificate (Pdf)
13CSG Utility Certificate (Excel)
14CSG Utility Certificate (Pdf)
15ABL Utility Certificate (Excel)
16ABL Utility Certificate (Pdf)
17(बाल सभा) Utility Certificate (Excel)
18(बाल सभा) Utility Certificate (Pdf)
19Bhamashah Conference (भामाशाह सम्मेलन) Utility Certificate (Excel)
20Bhamashah Conference (भामाशाह सम्मेलन) Utility Certificate (Pdf)
Utility Certificate Description
21Display Board Utility Certificate (Excel)
22Display Board Utility Certificate (Pdf)
23Sports Grant Utility Certificate (Excel)
24Sports Grant Utility Certificate (Pdf)
25Annual Function Grant (Excel)
26Annual Function Grant (Pdf)

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TeacherGyan is designed for government schemes and formats. Through TeacherGyan, you will be prepared for all the challenges that come during the teacher's job. Along with this, all types of formats will also be made available to you.


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